What If Healing Me Is Not Part of His Plan
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What If Healing Is Not Part of His Plan?

I sustained a broken vertebra in a car accident and had been in a brace for more than 14 weeks when the doctors had told me it would only be 9 – 12 weeks at most. I wasn’t healing as fast as I was supposed to. So, friends at bible study kindly laid hands on me and prayed for my healing. But I wondered, will God really heal me? What If Healing Me Is Not Part of His Plan?

When Your Heart is Breaking
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When Your Heart is Breaking

What do you do when your heart is breaking and you can’t understand? Yesterday, a close friend passed away. He’d been in a motorcycle accident and had massive internal bleeding and injuries. But despite the best efforts of the ICU doctors, and being surrounded by praying friends and family for four days, his body was too tired to fight any longer. When he passed I could barely breathe. I felt as if I had nothing left inside me.