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 A Restless Anywhere But Here Feeling

Having a restless soul means being ill at ease with yourself or your current situation. Restlessness can be the result of having too much of something, like your mundane life. You are looking for an escape or to ease discomfort. Restless people can’t sit still or relax. They feel bored, anxious, or uncomfortable. That’s exactly how I felt. I’m sure you’ve felt the same way at times too. Perhaps you could complete this sentence yourself: I would be happier if ______. 

seek Godly perspective
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Transform Your Reality With a Godly Perspective

A skewed perspective can also make our problems seem worse than they are. A pebble appears huge when viewed up close. But when viewed from a distance, it looks small. Similarly, while we perceive our difficulties as insurmountable boulders, even mountains, God sees them as mere pebbles on our path. God even tells us “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.’ declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8, NIV) 

Perspective can cloud our judgment about people and make our problems seem worse. But we can seek a Godly perspective about people, places, and problems in life.

Trust is Letting Go
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Trust Is Letting Go

I am unfortunately prone to a pattern of giving my problems to God, then immediately picking them back up and refusing to let them go. Over the years I have e learned that God doesn’t always answer my prayers when and how I ask, I’ve also seen how He always shows up and acts on my behalf. In fact, when I look back on my life I see countless times where He has worked His good plans even out of seemingly bad situations. Yet, my obsessive need to find a solution on my own persists. Instead, I need to trust God. Trust is letting go.