Trust is Letting Go
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Trust Is Letting Go

I am unfortunately prone to a pattern of giving my problems to God, then immediately picking them back up and refusing to let them go. Over the years I have e learned that God doesn’t always answer my prayers when and how I ask, I’ve also seen how He always shows up and acts on my behalf. In fact, when I look back on my life I see countless times where He has worked His good plans even out of seemingly bad situations. Yet, my obsessive need to find a solution on my own persists. Instead, I need to trust God. Trust is letting go.

Faith that God is Good
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Four Steps To Find Faith That God is Good Even When Life Isn’t

I’ll be honest, this has been a tough week. I have had another relapse of an infection I have been fighting for close to 3 months. My husband can’t hear out of one ear due to a previous illness. And the doctors just don’t seem to have answers for either one of us. Then yesterday, a close friend was in a motorcycle accident and is now fighting for his life. But despite the storms raging all around us, I still have faith that God is good, even when life feels gloomy.