Trust is Letting Go
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Trust Is Letting Go

I am unfortunately prone to a pattern of giving my problems to God, then immediately picking them back up and refusing to let them go. Over the years I have e learned that God doesn’t always answer my prayers when and how I ask, I’ve also seen how He always shows up and acts on my behalf. In fact, when I look back on my life I see countless times where He has worked His good plans even out of seemingly bad situations. Yet, my obsessive need to find a solution on my own persists. Instead, I need to trust God. Trust is letting go.

Follow God, Not Your Heart

Follow God, Not Your Heart

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?”  Jeremiah 17:9 (ESV) People often advise us to follow our hearts if we want to be happy in life. Following your heart is an idiom, meaning…