
I’m so glad you are here!

I’m a wife, mom, grandma, and part time teacher for special needs kiddos. But my passion is writing and sharing about how God has changed my life.

You see, life has not always been kind, and I have struggled through some difficult seasons. But what has always brought me through was knowing that God always has a plan and will be there no matter what I face. That’s why Romans 8:28 has become my life verse.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28, NIV)

A Little Bit About Me

I was born in New Jersey, grew up in southern California, and have now lived in Arizona for over 30 years. 

I enjoy quiet time curled up with a book, listening and singing along with music, playing with my dogs, and visiting with my grown children and grandchildren. I also love taking day trips with my husband and friends off roading, kayaking, and spending time in nature. Nothing gives me more peace than seeing the beauty in an autumn mountain vista or a sunset over the ocean. It fills my spirit with joy and awe for God

Why I Became a Writer

I became a Christian when I was a teenager. But I always felt I wasn’t good enough for God. So, I wandered far from Him and pursued my own goals and dreams. But after I lost my son Stephen when he was a year old, God began calling me back. But despite recommitting my  life to the Lord, I went through years of grief and depression. At one point, I felt God calling me to write my story. And although I had no idea why, I did. I was later asked to share it at a women’s retreat. Although I was not a public speaker by any means, I watched God wash over the room, ministering to and healing many women that day.  It was an experience I will never forget. And so began my passion to write. 

But life got busy. I had more children, and began my teaching career. Over time, I began questioning if I had really heard God calling me to write, or if I could ever be good enough. And I let my passion for writing fade away. 

And struggling with self doubt and depression became my pattern. No matter what I did, or how hard I worked, I never felt “good enough”. And I always felt that something was missing. Perhaps I had missed some key step when I became a Christian because I never experienced the peace and freedom I knew I was supposed to have. My heart always felt like there was something missing and longed for more. 

But when God calls you to something, He doesn’t forget. Decades later life got hard again. I walked through divorce, remarriage, the loss of my job, and severe injury due to a car accident. And when everything was falling apart, I discovered the truth of this verse: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” James 4:8 And that’s also when I clearly heard God calling me to write again. It was time to take all that I had learned and use it to help others.

“And may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

(2 Thessalonians 3:16, NIV)

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